Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra

“This is my jihad: to give the British people a true picture of Islam, a picture of love, respect and peace.”

Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra is an Imam from Leicester, England, who is well known for his work on interfaith dialogue and understanding, particularly between Islam and the West. He is leading figure in an emerging generation of theological leaders and Muslim Imams who promote effective Muslim integration into British society. Imam Mogra currently serves as Chair of the Interfaith Relations Committee of the Muslim Council of Britain.

Imam Mogra was born in Malawi and came to England at the age of 18. He holds advanced and postgraduate degrees in classical theology and traditional sciences of Islam: he is a graduate of Dar-ul-Uloom Institute of Higher Islamic Education in Holcombe, as well as the prestigious Al-Azhar University in Cairo. In addition, Imam Mogram received his Master’s degree from the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London.
Imam Mogra is at the forefront of a movement to reflect on and interpret Islam in the modern world, and works to foster a new and more accurate understanding of Islam in the United Kingdom. His efforts to underscore the ties of faith and community that naturally draw Muslims of all social and cultural backgrounds together have brought to the table individuals from various schools of thought and political outlooks.

For many years, Imam Mogra has been directly engaged with interfaith and community cohesion initiatives, and has advised numerous organizations in the public, faith-based and nonprofit sectors. He has frequently served as a special advisor on Muslim affairs, as well as a regular contributor to many media outlets, including the BBC’s Today program, Sky News, as well as various newspapers including The Times, The Independent, The Guardian, Financial Times and The Economist. In addition to his advisory engagements, Imam Mogra has worked closely with many religious leaders, such as the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, and continues to work with Archbishop Dr. Rowan Williams, as well as the Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks to promote interfaith understanding, respect, cooperation and harmony. He has also advised the Tony Blair Faith Foundation on Islam and interfaith dialogue.