The Niwano Peace Prize Committee (NPPC)
The Niwano Peace Prize Committee is responsible for selecting the recipient of the Peace Prize each year. The Committee’s members have a deep commitment to peace and a conviction that the world’s spiritual traditions play a vital role in building peaceful and just societies. The committee was formed in 2002, and it assures the Niwano Peace Prize a global and multi-religious character.
The members of the Committee are drawn from religious and spiritual leaders from different religious traditions and world regions. The Committee has always included members from five continents and a balance of male and female members. Members serve two year terms, and meet annually in Tokyo to reach consensus on the annual recipient. The Committee works throughout the year to advise the Foundation on the selection process and on the award ceremony. Its work is confidential. Each member and the Committee as a whole shares the vision and the objectives of the Niwano Peace Foundation: that is, to honor and celebrate extraordinary individuals whose lives are dedicated to the work of peace.