Alissa Qotrunnada Munawaroh Wahid
Name:Alissa Qotrunnada Munawaroh Wahid
Date of birth:1972
Organization:Jaringan Gusdurian (Gusdurian Network)
Position: National Director
Religion/Faith: Islam
Ms. Alissa Wahid was born as the eldest daughter of the late President Wahid, the fourth President of Indonesia. She established the Gusdulian Network to inherit her father’s legacy and to spread “pluralistic Islam” and “Islam of tolerance” in Indonesian society.
She has embodied Islamic humanitarianism in her social activism and developed it into a nationwide movement by defending the rights of Muslim minorities subjected to prejudice and oppression by domestic extremists and by working to support farmers whose lands have been taken by corporations and whose living environment has been destroyed.
Presentation at recipient’s place
Activity scene