The successful applicants and final reports


◎Total number of appplicants: 82
◎The number of successful applicants: 8
◎Total Amount: JPY 4,600,000

Code Name of organization The title of the project Amount Country Final report
08-A-019 Asian Environmental Alliance Environmental education workshop aiming a rise of environmental consciousness and acquiring of an afforestation skill for Indonesian young people JPY 400,000 Japan Final report (Japanese only)
Financial report (Japanese only)
08-A-041 PARC Inter-people’s Cooperation Research on Reconstruction Assistance for Peace-Building in Sri Lanka JPY 500,000 Japan Final report (Japanese only)
Financial report (Japanese only)
08-A-049 The International Movement for a Just World (JUST) Multi-Religious Action Plan: Phase One, International Consultation of Eminent Persons JPY 500,000 Malaysia Final report (English only)
08-A-051 Mulindi Japan One Love Project Project to make and distribute artificial limbs for the people with disability in Burundi JPY 800,000 Japan Final report (Japanese only)
Financial report (Japanese only)
08-A-062 International cooperation circle, Toyama University of International Studies Samoa Women Self standing Support Project JPY 500,000 Japan Final report (Japanese only)
Financial report (Japanese only)
08-A-065 Nonviolent Peace Force, Japan the project Training workshops for peace and human rights in Sir Lanka (2nd phase) “Phase 2 – Human Rights Capacity Development for Peace Committees in Trincomalee District” – Consolidating Efforts from Phase1 JPY 600,000 Japan
08-A-067 Link ~ an organization linking forest, water & people together ~ Program for supporting the self-management of forest by the inhabitants in Northern Thailand JPY 500,000 Japan Final report (Japanese only)
Financial report (Japanese only)
08-A-076 Doumia~Sakinah- The Pluralistic Spiritual Center in Memory of Bruno Hussar In Neve Shalom~Wahat Al-Salam Scripture and social transformation: Interfaith Study on the Path to Political Justice JPY 800,000 Israel Final report (English only)