The successful applicants and final reports


◎Total number of appplicants: 413
◎The number of successful applicants: 8
◎Total Amount: US$ 44,388 (At a rate of 112 yen per doller)

Code Name of organization The title of the project Amount Country Final report
17-A1-027 LUSA PROGRAM Gardens for Rights Project (GRP) US$5,216 Rwanda
17-A1-101 Community Support for Development in Kisumu (CSD) Voices of concern US$6,960 Kenya Final Report
Financial Report
17-A1-125 Hopeful Touch Management of Informal Education Classes for Syrian Children in Turkey ¥948,000 Japan Final Report
Financial Report
17-A1-163 Amass Ghana (Center for Conflict Resolution) YOUNG PEACEBUILDERS FORUM US$3,683 Ghana Final Report
Financial Report
17-A1-183 International Society for Peace and Safety Building Peace, Safety and Human Rights in secondary Schools US$3,815 Nigeria Final Report
Financial Report
17-A1-192 Motherese Shelter for Children’s Nurse ¥240,000 Japan Final Report
Financial Report
17-A1-215 Mirai Future of Kenya Community Based Rehabilitation programme by Volunteer
Probation Officers for Juveniles and Youthful
offenders in Kenya
¥730,000 Japan Final Report
Financial Report
17-A1-356 Services for the Health in Asian &
African Regions (SHARE)
School Health Promotion Project in the elementary education ¥850,000 Japan Final Report
Financial Report</a