The successful applicants and final reports


◎Total number of appplicants: 74
◎The number of successful applicants: 8
◎Total Amount: JPY 5,000,000

Code Name of organization The title of the project Amount Country Final report
10-A-029 Medical Consultation for Foreign Residents Medical Consultation for Foreign Residents JPY 600,000 Japan Not submitted
10-A-031 The 60 Year Project to Transmit the War Experience Transmit the War Experience of Older Citizens to Convey the Importance of Peace JPY 350,000 Japan Final report (Japanese only)
10-A-035 Korea Dialogue Academy 33 Religious Leaders’ Meeting for Life Movement JPY 700,000 Korea Final report (English only)
10-A-037 Development Education Association and Resource Center/DEAR To Promote the Educational Program “Learning about the World through Food” JPY 800,000 Japan Final report (Japanese only)
10-A-047 Action against Child Exploitation (ACE) Linking Child Happiness Project JPY 800,000 Japan Final report (Japanese only)
10-A-048 Organization of United Korean Youth in Tokyo Japan-Korea Youth Camp: Thinking of the Past and Future Centuries of East Asia JPY 350,000 Japan Final report (Japanese only)
10-A-061 Peace Depot Facilitating Network Building among Japan-Korea Citizens, Mayors and Parliamentarians to Promote a Northeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone JPY 600,000 Japan Final report (Japanese only)
10-A-066 Association for Supporting Refugees’ Settlement in KANAGAWA The Japanese Language Course for Interpreter & Translator JPY 700,000 Japan Final report (Japanese only)