The successful applicants and final reports

The most recent grant destination list

◎Total number of appplicants: 356
◎The number of successful applicants: 12
◎Total Amount: US$78,907 (At a rate of 133 yen per doller)

Code Name of organization The title of the project Amount Country Final report
22-A-025 Hopeful Touch Encouragement of healthy development of war-affected children with disabilities in Syria ¥991,000 Japan Final Report
Financial Report
22-A-046 Serene Haven CBO Fight against the Triple Threat in Teenagers living with Disabilities (FATTTLID) US$6,900 Kenya
22-A-069 Busy Youth Organization Providing and Preserving Clean water with Full Engagement of inter-faith community. US$6,900 Malawi
22-A-153 Community Development Association (CDA) Gender Parity through Engaging Men and Boys (GPEMB) US$6,674 Bangladesh Final Report
Financial Report
22-A-165 Integrated Community Development Initiative (ICODI) Using sports as a tool to facilitate inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogues among refugee youth and youth from the surrounding host communities in Nakivale Refugee settlement Isingiro District South Western Uganda.  US$6,000 Uganda
22-A-182 Network of Translators for the Globalization of the Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors (NET-GTAS) Translation of Hibakusha testimonies and expressions of A-bomb experiences into multiple languages) A-bomb: Atomic bomb ¥700,000 Japan
22-A-222 Ponlok Baitong Organic Farm School (PBT) Improve the living conditions of small scale farmers and children through increasing organic agricultural production US$7,050 Cambodia Final Report
Financial Report
22-A-257 Somos CaPAZes Association Cantadores de cuna (Lullaby singers) US$3,442 Colombia Final Report
Financial Report
22-A-267 Servicios y Asesoria para la Paz A.C. (Serapaz) Slamalil Kinal: peace on the move from the south US$6,701 Mexico
22-A-276 Kansai NGO Council ONE WORLD FESTIVAL for Youth ¥995,200 Japan
22-A-279 Campaign for the Children of Palestine (CCP) Support for children and their family in the Palestine refugee camp through educational and psychosocial supports ¥1,000,000 Japan Final Report
Financial Report
22-A-346 Piece of Syria Building a foundation for peace starting with supporting the kindergartens in northwest Syria ¥1,000,000 Japan Final Report
Financial Report